I recently had the opportunity to fish at the Connetquot State Park on Long Island with our local Trout Unlimited Chapter. I don’t typically fish out this way but whenever I get the chance I always jump to it.
In my opinion its as close to a trout amusement park as you can get to. There is a hatchery in the middle of the river which produces some very large trout that are fairly used to people and not that skittish. The river is divided into 30 sections and each angler is assigned to a section to fish. They all hold fish though there are some in the middle section 12-16 that seem to be the most productive.
This is not a technical stream, so you can fish a wide variety of different techniques with success. Typically hopper – dropper or dry-dropper is the best way to go but nymphs/streams even pure dry flies will work. After catching some fish I played with with a mop fly for a while and pulled in a few more.
There is some more involved procedures about how the different sections are assigned, and you can find more information at this site https://parks.ny.gov/documents/parks/ConnetquotRiverFlyFishingInformationMap.pdf